Thursday, October 6, 2011

I signed up with Magento Go. And it's far from good - actually opposite of good

This is an old review which I did when I was still in trial with Magento Go. Things actually turned out very ugly when I officially paid to sign up with them and experienced their CRAP support.


I have been trying to start an online shopping store. After looking through a few possible solutions such as wordpress eCommerce / shopping cart themes, opencart, zen cart, oscommerce, and DIY my own, I think I’ll give Magento a Go.

Magento Go is a paid service but you can get a full trial of 30 days completely free. They are also offering $15 / month discount for a whole year from the 1 million stimulus package. If you happen to want to build an online store right now, I have only 2 words for you – Sign up! With the stimulus discount, the entry plan is totally free for the first year.

I had many problems in mind when I was hunting for a perfect ecommerce solution. None of the solutions solved them all until I found Magento. It’s the best eCommerce solution I have come across in these years.

Still familiarizing myself with the whole application which is fairly complicated and would require weeks to master, especially the theme customization / editing part, which I think is yet to achieve good user experience – it’s not easy to build a theme of your own. For now, you can only edit existing themes and customize it wherever you need to.

Unlike wordpress, it’s very easy to build a theme and customize it like a breeze, Magento is known to have a steep learning curve for theme developers. The whole system is heavily designed rather than evolved. It’s a bit pain for the end users / developers to chew in the design.

You’d probably need 2 – 3 times the normal budget to build a decent Magento theme. Other than that, everything else seems fascinating. I’ll catch up with a detailed review later after trying all the functionalities.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Windows 7 打开程序时自动成为当前的活动窗口

有时Win 7 打开的程序,其窗口并不会成为当前的活动窗口,如果是马上需要使用,就会很烦人,明明打开了,却在一大堆窗口的背后藏着,还要点几下才能把这个窗口切换为当前活动窗口。


  1. 打开注册表:在运行里输入“regedit”并回车。
  2. 搜索并选定至HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop。
  3. 看右侧窗口有没有一个DWORD值叫“ForegroundLockTimeout”。如果没有,则创建。
  4. 给“ForegroundLockTimeout”赋值为“0”(十进制阿拉伯数字零)。
  5. 重启电脑。
