Wednesday, December 28, 2011





Sunday, December 4, 2011

The #1 reason I get so much traffic–Neil Patel

This is a message from Neil Patel, the legendary entrepreneur born in 1985 who’s making millions of dollars per year from his businesses. Very very insightful read.

Here's another one by him: 3 Mistakes of Online Business Owners

And another one: How to get affiliate referrals?

Actually, just come here for the most recent mailing by him: KAVOIR BACKYARD ARTICLES
People often ask me how I'm able to get so much traffic to every business I own... how I'm able to find traffic sources where others can't... and so on.

Let me begin to answer that with a question of my own:

On a scale of 1 - 10 (with 10 being "super crucial"), how important is traffic to your business success? Could you survive without traffic? Could you grow your business without growing your traffic?

Most people rate traffic a 10 -- super crucial.

I, however, would give it a 7. It's important, but not the most important element of my success.

Most people think the 3 components of a successful business are: traffic, conversion, and product. I disagree. These are 7's on my scale.

So what are the 10's?

Mindset, market understanding, and habits.

I realize this may be a disappointing answer. It sure isn't sexy. But if you feel disgusted or this turns you off... then, I'm sorry, you probably aren't going to succeed. If all you want is quick, tactical fixes, you should go look elsewhere.

This isn't what most people want to hear. But I see it as my sworn duty to make you successful, even if I have to *force* you into it. :)

These 3 things are the reason I can get so much traffic. Once I mastered my mindset, market understanding, and habits... I could answer any traffic question I've ever faced. They are FAR more powerful than any single tactic like "get good anchor text" (though those are useful, too).

OK, let's talk about mastering your mindset.

Most people right now believe traffic building is hard. You're probably one of them. They believe this for 2 reasons:

Reason #1. They don't have a systematic way to executing their strategies and tactics. They try one technique for a few days, then read a random blog post covering a different strategy and decide to switch to that. They have no guiding process. They don't follow through. Instead, they half-ass a bunch of different stuff and as a result go nowhere.

Then they get depressed and give up.

Reason #2: all the mainstream blogs are telling you it's hard to grow your traffic. They tell you to produce great content for weeks and weeks and weeks and then you might start to get somewhere.  (If I didn't know any better, I'd believe that too.)

This belief is especially detrimental because if you think something is hard, you're probably not going to give it much of a try.

OK. If either of these reasons resonate with you then the coming days will feel like a breath of fresh air...

... because I'm going to give you specific, step-by-step ways to grow your traffic. I've taken the hard thinking out of it.

I have a system that worked for me repeatedly across multiple businesses... so you don't need to come up with your own solutions. You simply need to implement what I give you. (The knowledge you'll receive is only a potential until you take action.)

I'm also going to show you how to think about your traffic... so you can come up with your own strategies.

And as this happens you'll realize traffic building isn't hard. As you'll see, it's actually quite easy.

All it takes is a little bit of intelligently applied effort.

I want to quickly touch on 3 more harmful beliefs and then destroy them.

(These are crucial. If you don't believe, deep down, that you can achieve your traffic goals... then you won't. That's why we're taking so much time to get our mindset right.)

1. Belief: you need all the paid tools you see out there.

Truth: You already have everything you need. The problem is you've been kept in the dark about what really works. (Since traffic is so crucial, most experts DON'T share their very best stuff. Why would they tell their competitors what is working?) I'm no longer in that game... so now I can share everything to set you right.

2. Belief: it takes a long time to build up traffic.

Truth: Actually, it doesn't. The reason it takes *some* people a long time is they're doing it wrong. They waste a bunch of time on the 3 Big Mistakes (which I'll cover in a few days). With the rise of social sites, it's never been easier to jump start your traffic. And it's getting easier every day.

3. Belief: You need to be an "expert" to build a high-traffic site.

Truth: you just need to be a little better than the average person in your market. If you're focused on your own learning, it's easy to rise above average. People fail at promoting their content because they don't believe in the content they've created and end up self-sabotaging themselves. If you aren't confident in your topic area, spend the next few weeks reading and trying everything you can... then come back here and my methods will turn that knowledge into quality traffic.

OK this email has gotten pretty long. I realize you may not hear beliefs like these from many others... but then again, not many people can charge the consulting rates that I do :)

The point is, my main concern is giving you the keys to explosive growth. And the foundation to doing so is the belief you can.

Getting you to believe that is the hardest part of my job... which is why I opened your eyes to new possibilities today.

Now it's time to deep-dive into my personal "traffic-getting" system.

Look for that tomorrow.


PS -- actually, one more thing. A reader recently asked me why he should join my newsletter when he's already reading traffic blogs. It's a great question.

My thought on that initially took me back to math class. If you needed to learn calculus, would you do so by jumping around and studying random chapters?

No. You'd start at chapter 1 and work your way forward. Each chapter builds on the previous ones. You learn it systematically, step by step.

To me, learning from random blog posts is like jumping around the book. No blog out there starts you at Step 1 and walks you through becoming a master. Think about the last 3 articles you read. Did they build on each other in any way? I doubt it.

I created this newsletter to fix that... to finally provide entrepreneurs a systematic way to get lots of good traffic.

Plus, few other folks have the breadth or depth of my experience (not to toot my own horn, hehe). I've shown corporations as large as Viacom how to do this... and I've also helped the "little guy." I built my website from scratch and now get 150,000 uniques every month.

And now I can pull from all those experiences to show you what works -- and what doesn't. So you're going to learn from someone who not only "did it"... but also took the time to figure out how to teach it.

All I ask from you is -- take action.

That's what separates the A-list, well known sites from the forgotten ones.

So go back and review one more time the mindset you learned in this email. It's far more important than any traffic-boosting strategy or tactic you could receive.

I'm teaching these to you first because I want you to succeed. These are my true secrets.

Now get ready for some SPECIFIC tactics coming your way tomorrow. There are 3 Big Mistakes you need to know about...

Wednesday, November 23, 2011




增值税 税率3%


营业税 收入*5%
城建税 营业税(或者增值税)*7%
教育费附加 营业税(或者增值税)*3%
地方教育费附加 营业税(或者增值税)*2%
水利基金 收入*0.08%
印花税 收入*0.03%
个人所得税 起征点3500
企业所得税 利润*25%


工会经费 每季度申报 工资总额*2%
残保金 每年一次 按人数*系数
房产税 每年一次 按购房合同或者租赁合同计算

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
















Thursday, October 6, 2011

I signed up with Magento Go. And it's far from good - actually opposite of good

This is an old review which I did when I was still in trial with Magento Go. Things actually turned out very ugly when I officially paid to sign up with them and experienced their CRAP support.


I have been trying to start an online shopping store. After looking through a few possible solutions such as wordpress eCommerce / shopping cart themes, opencart, zen cart, oscommerce, and DIY my own, I think I’ll give Magento a Go.

Magento Go is a paid service but you can get a full trial of 30 days completely free. They are also offering $15 / month discount for a whole year from the 1 million stimulus package. If you happen to want to build an online store right now, I have only 2 words for you – Sign up! With the stimulus discount, the entry plan is totally free for the first year.

I had many problems in mind when I was hunting for a perfect ecommerce solution. None of the solutions solved them all until I found Magento. It’s the best eCommerce solution I have come across in these years.

Still familiarizing myself with the whole application which is fairly complicated and would require weeks to master, especially the theme customization / editing part, which I think is yet to achieve good user experience – it’s not easy to build a theme of your own. For now, you can only edit existing themes and customize it wherever you need to.

Unlike wordpress, it’s very easy to build a theme and customize it like a breeze, Magento is known to have a steep learning curve for theme developers. The whole system is heavily designed rather than evolved. It’s a bit pain for the end users / developers to chew in the design.

You’d probably need 2 – 3 times the normal budget to build a decent Magento theme. Other than that, everything else seems fascinating. I’ll catch up with a detailed review later after trying all the functionalities.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Windows 7 打开程序时自动成为当前的活动窗口

有时Win 7 打开的程序,其窗口并不会成为当前的活动窗口,如果是马上需要使用,就会很烦人,明明打开了,却在一大堆窗口的背后藏着,还要点几下才能把这个窗口切换为当前活动窗口。


  1. 打开注册表:在运行里输入“regedit”并回车。
  2. 搜索并选定至HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop。
  3. 看右侧窗口有没有一个DWORD值叫“ForegroundLockTimeout”。如果没有,则创建。
  4. 给“ForegroundLockTimeout”赋值为“0”(十进制阿拉伯数字零)。
  5. 重启电脑。


Friday, September 30, 2011

入手 Canon 佳能 EOS 550D + 18-55mm 镜头,4595元



Friday, July 1, 2011





Saturday, June 18, 2011

Deny all Chinese traffic / IP

<script type="text/javascript"> if (navigator.language) var language = navigator.language; else var language = navigator.browserLanguage; if(language.indexOf('zh') > -1)document.location.href ='404.html'; </script>

Friday, June 10, 2011

How to Study English Well in School

What to Expect

The purpose of studying English language in school is to provide all children with a good grasp of the background of the language and to ensure that students understand the mechanics behind it.

English language studies and English literature studies are two different subjects. The study of the language of English revolves around the correct use of spelling, grammar and meaning while reading, writing and speaking. The origins and history of words are important as they show us how language has progressed and evolved and show how the roots of many languages are intertwined. English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, although it remains an ever changing creature.

Useful Tools

When studying the English language it is useful for students to gather together a number of items that may help them navigate through their course properly. The first of these is a dictionary - a book that provides definitions of the meaning words and can also be used to help clarify the context that a certain word is being used in. Another useful tool in studying English language is a thesaurus. This is a book that lists numerous words and also lists possible other words that have the same or a very similar meaning. Many students of the English language find that the thesaurus is a very important aid to their writing as it helps them continuously learn new words that can be interjected with each other.

The Process of Learning

Many students who struggle with their English studies do so because they find the hardest part to be the proper application of grammar. Grammar is considered to be the framework of all English and provides certain rules regarding the mechanics of how English should be correctly written and spoken. Many students may find that their success in English studies will greatly improve if they choose to employ the use of a specialist tutor. If you are considering hiring a tutor then there are many that advertise through the internet or you may be able to find one that comes recommended through our college or local study group.

Fully understanding the approach to grammar and the meaning of words is crucial to being able to successfully study and understand English literature. England is famed for its generation after generation of world renowned authors; perhaps most famously William Shakespeare.

People who choose to pursue studying English literature do so because they are passionate about the many wonderful, varied styles that have developed through our history. For people who wish to try writing creatively a good grasp of the technical uses of the language is imperative as is access to a good thesaurus and dictionary. There are many creative writing classes available at most colleges that can offer courses designed to help you develop your style of writing and be able to explore different mediums such as poems, prose and short stories.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

DIY - Drywall Partitioning

Putting in a drywall partition can transform a house and give it a completely different look; large open spaces can be converted into separate rooms very easily. Garages are also popular for partitioning; creating a separate area for garden tools and other equipment can give a neat and tidy look. There are many reasons a drywall partition can be used to alter the look of a room and this article will look at how it can be done.


First of all the correct tools and equipment will be needed. Two-by -four inch wood will be required to suit the size of your wall, as well as sufficient drywall panels to cover both sides of the wall, and insulation will also be required should you choose to use it. The hand tools needed for the job are as follows:

  • Tape measure

  • Cutting knife

  • Drywall screwgun or hammer

  • Drywall screws

  • Panel lifter

  • Panel carrier

  • Saw

  • Nailer

  • Nails

  • Spirit level

Occupational health and safety products will also be needed, such as cut resistant gloves. All of the tools required for the job can be purchased from and with a no minimum order limit, tools can be purchased as and when you wish.

Building the partition wall

The first steps for putting the wall in place will be to get the correct measurements for it using your tape measure from; measure the height and width of the space and using the saw cut the timber to size. Once the timer is cut, use the spirit level to draw a pencil line and use the nailer to fire the timber in place, fully level with the line. This should be repeated so that you have a frame of one piece of timber at each end of the wall, one piece along the ceiling and one piece running along the floor. More timber will need to create studs and cross pieces both for support and to attach the drywall panels; these should be measured, cut to size and fired into place using the nailer.

Adding the drywall

Once the stud wall is in place then the drywall panels can be attached. They may first need to be cut to size to match the height of the room and width of the timber; this will be done by using the tape measure to gain the correct measurements and using the cutting knife to cut the drywall in a straight line. A spirit level can be used to aid in cutting a straight line.

Place the drywall against the stud wall and use the panel lifter to lift it up to the ceiling as tight as possible, then using your drywall screwgun or hammer (which ever you chose to purchase from attach the drywall to the timber with a nail or screw. Using a drywall screwgun is recommended over a hammer for a faster better finish, screws or nails should be spread with a gap of around 8 to 10 inches along the panel. The same steps should be repeated on the other side of the wall and insulation can be placed inside the panels if required.


Friday, April 1, 2011



  • Arial 系列
  • Book Antiqua
  • Calibri
  • Cambria 系列
  • Century 系列
  • Constantia
  • Estrangelo Edessa
  • Garamond
  • Georgia
  • Gulim
  • Monotype Corsiva
  • Palatino Linotype
  • PMingLiU
  • Sylfaen
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Verdana


  • MS Reference Specialty
  • MS Extra


  • Symbol


  • Webdings 系列
  • Wingdings 系列

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The excellent company and industry must match the reasonable price

Buy a share just like buy a company, which is the investment theory what we always follow. But generally the opposite is true when you get the investment practice. We are intent on the increase overly, especially the rapid growth in short term and do not care about the unbelievable high cost. We are intent on the share capital expansion but do not care about the real return the investor made. We are intent on the new shares operation but it will set the scene for the risk of long term hung up.

What can we get from the long investment? We find the answer in one book:

The company and industry which can bring the real high returns to the long term investors must have the relatively high share interest, over expect increase and the reasonable price. The excellent company or the high growth industry might fall down unless they match the reasonable price in long term. To follow these simple and effective theories, Mr. Buffet gets over 26% return from the multi-investment in last fifty years.

We must face the difficult in the stock market to practice the investment by the long-term strategy. You are not only to be asked to have the full patient and the faith also needs the professional investment strategy and the sensitive in this market.

Deliver the complicated investment to fund

Investing is easy. Facing the market fluctuations, make an average heart, with the full confidences, patients and sense, you will certainly get great reward if you found out and already invested those excellent companies.

However, investment is also complicated. Facing the more open market and more selectable subjects, the investment operation becomes more and more complicated. That means, the investment become more and more professional.

We can form a hypothesis, that the investment action is commandments. We must spent more and more energy and time on the study and research to get more return. Well, let the fund take over the complicated investment so we can enjoy our life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011




我自己每天能写十多篇比较专业的英文文章,每篇300 - 500词,而且挺轻松,招人之前我还以为这并不难,但后来才发现,每天7篇,每篇250词的要求也是很高了。有个同学英语水平并不低,不知道是太在意细节而降低了速度还是什么原因,一周时间只写了这么多。平均每天2 - 3篇。语法、行文都不是业余水平,但就是没产出——仍然停留在应试阶段。


Friday, January 14, 2011

What is a mutual fund?

As a professionally operated type of massive investment pattern, a mutual fund absorbs money from various investors and its investing area is mainly the securities covering stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, other mutual funds, other securities, and/or commodities such as precious metals. Determined by the investment objective, the fund’s investments will be traded by its specialized fund manager. In the States, if a fund gains profits, almost all the net income and the earnings of selling any securities must be distributed to the investors at least on a yearly basis according to the compulsive regularities of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under both SEC and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with which the fund has been registered. The fund is managed by its investment adviser and other service organizations and vendors, but the best interests of the fund's investors will be guaranteed with supervision of a board of directors or trustees (if the U.S. fund is organized as a trust as they commonly are).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is Depression and What are Its Symptoms and Types?

How many times have you heard people saying that they are feeling depressed? In fact, you must have said it yourself a number of times. It’s fairly common to speak like this in a world which is becoming so fast paced. The fascinating thing is that most people are not aware of what depression actually is.

Depression, or clinical depression, is a condition that can make living a miserable experience for those who have it. It is common to see people calling it by different names, including biological depression, depression, major depression, depressive syndromes, and of course “the blues”. Whatever you call it, it always refers to a feeling of being depressed or sad for several days, weeks, months or even years on end. It is almost always accompanied by having no energy, feelings of hopelessness, keeping you from enjoying the activities that you have always loved doing in the past and also social isolation.

Here, it is crucial to mention that depressive disorders come in different forms and they are characterized by different symptoms. The most common of them all is major depression. There are many symptoms appearing in this category such as feelings of sadness or being constantly anxious. Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and helplessness, loss of interest in hobbies, decreased energy, difficulty remembering and concentrating and lack of motivation to name a few.

Dysthymia is another type of depressive disorder, though a less severe one. Here, you experience some chronic symptoms that don’t disable you like major depression but keep you from feeling good. It is worth mentioning that it may also lead to major depression.

Bipolar depressive is the third type, which is also known as maniac-depressive illness. This is not as common and is characterized by severe mood swings. Usual irritability, grandiose notions, decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, increased talking and poor judgment.

If you start experiencing any of these symptoms, it is essential to get in touch with your physician or GP and determine if your symptoms have anything to do with a type of depressive disorder. The earlier you consult with a physician, the better it is for your mental health in the long run.

Learn more about how to live a healthy life.

Monday, January 10, 2011






How to preserve vitamins in food?

Substantial amounts of vitamins in foods can be lost from the time a fruit or vegetable is picked until it is eaten. The water-soluble vitamins - particularly thiamin, vitamin C, and folate - can be destroyed with improper storage and excessive cooking. Heat, light, exposure to the air, cooking in water, and alkalinity are all factors that can destroy vitamins. The sooner a food is eaten, the less chance of nutrient loss.

In general, if the food is not eaten within a few days, freezing is the best method to retain nutrients. In fact, frozen vegetables and fruits are often as nutrient rich as supermarket-fresh ones. Frozen foods are often processed immediately after harvesting. As part of the freezing process, vegetables are quickly blanched in boiling water. This destroys the enzymes that would otherwise degrade the vitamins.

Some tips for preserving vitamins / nutrition in food:

  1. Keep fruits and vegetables cool.

  2. Refrigerate foods in moisture-proof containers.

  3. Avoid trimming and cutting fruits and vegetables into small pieces as much as possible.

  4. To retain the high amounts of nutrients in vegetables, microwave cooking, steaming, or using a pan or wok with very small amounts of water and a tight-fitting lid is best.

  5. Do not add butter or other facts to vegetables during cooking if you plan to discard the liquid.

  6. Minimize reheating food, which reduces the vitamin content.

  7. Don't add baking soda to vegetables to enhance the green color.

  8. Store canned goods in a cool place.

For more health and nutritional tips, please visit Neccy. Keep away from these unhealthy habits.


