Saturday, September 25, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
北清两教授炮轰中国科研基金分配体制 - 《Science》撰文:中国科研“潜规则”
China’s Research Culture
Yigong Shi and Yi Rao
GOVERNMENT RESEARCH FUNDS IN CHINA HAVE BEEN GROWING AT AN ANNUAL RATE OF MORE than 20%, exceeding even the expectations of China’s most enthusiastic scientists. In theory, this could allow China to make truly outstanding progress in science and research, complementing the nation’s economic success. In reality, however, rampant problems in research funding—some attributable to the system and others cultural—are slowing down China’s potential pace of innovation.
Although scientific merit may still be the key to the success of smaller research grants, such as those from China’s National Natural Science Foundation, it is much less relevant for the megaproject grants from various government funding agencies, which range from tens to hundreds of millions of Chinese yuan (7 yuan equals approximately 1 U.S. dollar). For the latter, the key is the application guidelines that are issued each year to specify research areas and projects. Their ostensible purpose is to outline “national needs.” But the guidelines are often so narrowly described that they leave little doubt that the “needs” are anything but national; instead, the intended recipients are obvious. Committees appointed by bureaucrats in the funding agencies determine these annual guidelines. For obvious reasons, the chairs of the committees often listen to and usually cooperate with the bureaucrats. “Expert opinions” simply refl ect a mutual understanding between a very small group of bureaucrats and their favorite scientists. This top-down approach stifl es innovation and makes clear to everyone that the connections with bureaucrats and a few powerful scientists are paramount, dictating the entire process of guideline preparation. To obtain major grants in China, it is an open secret that doing good research is not as important as schmoozing with powerful bureaucrats and their favorite experts.
This problematic funding system is frequently ridiculed by the majority of Chinese researchers. And yet it is also, paradoxically, accepted by most of them. Some believe that there is no choice but to accept these conventions. This culture even permeates the minds of those who are new returnees from abroad; they quickly adapt to the local environment and perpetuate the unhealthy culture. A signifi cant proportion of researchers in China spend too much time on building connections and not enough time attending seminars, discussing science, doing research, or training students (instead, using them as laborers in their labora tories). Most are too busy to be found in their own institutions. Some become part of the problem: They use connections to judge grant applicants and undervalue scientific merit.
There is no need to spell out the ethical code for scientifi c research and grants management, as most of the power brokers in Chinese research were educated in industrialized countries. But overhauling the system will be no easy task. Those favored by the existing system resist meaningful reform. Some who oppose the unhealthy culture choose to be silent for fear of losing future grant opportunities. Others who want change take the attitude of “wait and see,” rather than risk a losing battle. Despite the roadblocks, those shaping science policy and those working at the bench clearly recognize the problems with China’s current research culture: It wastes resources, corrupts the spirit, and stymies innovation. The time for China to build a healthy research culture is now, riding the momentum of increasing funding and a growing strong will to break away from damaging conventions. A simple but important start would be to distribute all of the new funds based on merit, without regard to connections. Over time, this new culture could and should become the major pillar of a system that nurtures, rather than squanders, the innovative potential of China.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Running Multiple Websites on a Cloud Server with 1 IP
We have many customers who ask us if they can run multiple websites on a single IP address.
The answer is yes with Cloud Servers!
It’s a simple process and requires an update to your virtual host file during the initial configuration of your Cloud Server. We have explained the process you will need to follow on our blog.
Network World recently ran a series of tests on different cloud storage providers, including Rackspace Cloud Files. According to Network World, “Rackspace delivered the best overall performance, with an average speed 2.57Mbps for uploads and roughly 650Kbps for downloads.”
Security Tips for Private Network Interfaces
Regardless of the type of hosting you're using – dedicated or cloud – it's important to take network interface security seriously. Most often, threats from the internet are the only ones mentioned. However, if you share a private network with other customers, you have just as much risk on that interface.
Many cloud providers, including Rackspace, allow you access to a private network environment where you can exchange data with other instances or other services offered by the provider. The convenience of this access comes with a price: other instances can access your instance on the private network just as easily as they could on the public interface.
Major Hayden, Linux Systems Engineer here at Rackspace has put together some tips for you to consider when using the private network and you can review them online.
Choosing the Right Database: There is No Silver Bullet
Database needs have changed significantly over the last few years. Data sets continue to grow at exponential rates and now tend to be measured in terabytes and petabytes for many applications. There are many new database alternatives that have sprung up in the past few years to help solve this problem.
The question becomes how do you choose which one to use?
There's no perfect solution for every single use case out there, but spending the time analyzing your options ahead of time can save you headaches and frustration down the road.
Bret Piat, Sr. Manager of Technical Alliances here at Rackspace took some time to help explain how you might want to go about considering your next database. Check out his thoughts online.